K-6 Teaching Team
We are excited about our Elementary Teaching Staff.
Kindergarten- Kendra Lewis
Grade 1-2 Rachel Post
Grade 3-4 Lorri Swanson and Natalie McDonald
Grade 5 Rebecca Hamilton
Grade 6 Brian Goff
Special Services: Hannah Gibson and Kate Haines
Enrichment Teachers
Art Jaimie Terada
Garden Brett Jensen
Music Naomi Vliet
PE Ginger Plum
Revised report cards based on the Common Core Standards and Parent Conferences occur twice a year to help record and evaluate a student's progress.
We offer a complete spectrum of elementary services, including Title I, ELL (English Language Learners), LAP (Learning Assistance Program), Special Education, and Response to Intervention (RtI).
"Every child needs a hug a day. At this school, we deliver. It's a place where warmth and caring are as important as test scores." —Bill Evans, Former Lopez Island School District Superintendent